InfoCentroid is a leading software development company. We are providing best hospital management software . Kindly go through our demo link for it and we are looking forward to your positive response. Features Accounting IntegrationDoctor Management Human Resource Management Appointment SchedulingBed ManagementClaims ManagementIn-Patient ManagementInventory ManagementMedical BillingOut-Patient ManagementPatient Records Management Physician ManagementPolicy ManagementFinacialy Activities Management Medicine ModulePharmacy Management Prescription Management Donor ManagementLaboratories Management Multi Language Support CMS for the WebsiteZoom Meet Setting Option Demo Credentials and Demo Link Adminadmin@hms.com123456Doctordoctor@hms.com12345Patientpatient@hms.com12345Nursenurse@hms.com12345Pharmacistpharmacist@hms.com12345Accountantaccountant@hms.com12345Laboratorieslaboratorist@hms.com12345Receptionistreceptionist@hms.com12345 Click Here for The Demo Link Click Here to Download the Brochure PricingOne time sale and installation on the client’s sever : US$1500 or INR 1,00,000(Support on software developed part only till the 1 month only)Our server and installation for the client with support : US $200 or INR 10,000 per month Kindly contact us Your Name (required) Your Contact Number (required) Your Email (required) Subject Contacting For (required) MLM SoftwareChit Fund SoftwareEducational AppOnline Grocery/Food Delivery AppERPPOS Billing SoftwareHospital Management SoftwareHotel Channel ManagerPayroll SoftwareLR Management Kindly Brief Your Requirements Please prove you are human by selecting the plane.